As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built overnight. And the same is true for your skin!
Now, you’ve heard Dr. Sister say it a lot…When it comes to skincare, consistency is key.
No matter what your skin concern or your skin type is. Staying consistent with your beauty rituals and giving yourself enough time will lead to long-lasting results.
And here’s why…
Skin Cycles
Your body loses dead skin cells and creates new ones constantly. In fact, it takes around thirty days for the new cells to be fully developed.
And as you age this can take even longer. By the time you’re reached 50, new skin cells may need up to 60 days to complete just one skin cycle.
This cycle can also get affected by other factors. Think of changing hormones, stress, your diet and even your environment (especially if you live in a city)…
Causing your skin to “slow down” and even your pores to clog up.
But what does all this mean for your skincare?
Well, it’s simple.
Since there’s new skin cells to the surface all the time, you want to keep nourishing these as best as possible. To boost your natural skin cell regeneration and keep your pores clear.
Staying consistent with your skincare products will ensure your skin cycle is always supported…
No matter what stage it’s at.
Products Need Time
It’s not just your skin needing time…
Your skincare products start working as soon as you apply them. But because of your skin’s natural cycle, it’ll take a few weeks or even a couple of months to see clear results.
Allowing for dead skin cells to be fully removed from your skin’s surface…
And for new, glowing healthy cells to reach the top.
So we recommend giving your products at least six to eight weeks of consistent use, before you fully evaluate the results.
And don’t forget, once you’ve seen results, it’s time to maintain them!
So stay committed to making long-lasting habits.
Here’s what to expect:

Your Skin Is Unique
Everyone is different, so the same goes for your skin and your very own skin cycle.
Even though some people can see results faster than others, or even enjoy clear skin without much effort…
This is not the reality for most of us.
Different skin types, health conditions and your environment will affect your skin’s health. So take time to work out what works for you and your specific needs.
And be patient, giving your skin the daily nourishment it needs to look its best.
Tips To Help You Stay Consistent
It’s late at night, after a busy day and the last thing on your mind is doing your skincare. You might even be tempted to go to bed with your make-up still on…
We’ve all been there.
So here’s some handy tips to help you stay consistent, even on the days you just haven’t got the energy.
✨ Move up your night routine
Don’t leave cleansing and applying your products to the very last minute. In fact we recommend doing your skincare as soon as you get back home, if you can. That way you don’t have to worry about fitting it in right before bed.
And what’s more? This will actually allow plenty of time for your skin products to fully absorb and start working, well before your face hits that pillow.
✨ Track your results
Take before and after pictures of your skin. This way you can easily keep track of your progress and use these to motivate you. This is especially important before you start using a new product.
So, we suggest taking a photo of your skin at least once a month during your skincare journey. And do feel free to share your results with us. We’d love to celebrate your success!
✨ Find a buddy
Partner up with a friend who may have similar skincare goals. Forming new habits together will keep you motivated and accountable. This way you can share your goals and celebrate your results together.
It might be a cliché, but it’s true. Consistency is key…
Visible results won’t happen overnight and can take anywhere between four to eight weeks. So, don’t forget: true skincare is an ongoing process.
And there’s no better time to start looking after your skin (and yourself) than now.
With some easy everyday changes and a simple skincare routine you can see truly amazing results.
If you’d like to find out how to create your best skincare regime, head on over to our blog post explaining just that.
And if you’d like to take a look at our full Dr. Sister Skincare range, to fully support you on your skincare journey, click here.
So you can look your very best, well into the future…