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Tag: step by step

As the days grow warmer, your skin needs special attention to stay healthy and radiant.

You see, your skin changes throughout the year. Meaning your winter routine won’t quite cut it in the summer. 

That’s because winter requires heavier moisture and nourishment. While you need lighter cover during the warmer months. 

So, a thoughtful summer skincare routine can help you look and feel your best…

While also preparing your skin to cope with the extra sweat and sun exposure. 

Here’s how…

Start with a Clean Slate

Begin each day by washing your face with a gentle cleanser. 

Helping remove over-night sweat and oil, which could clog your pores.  

Then always cleanse in the evenings as well. 

Not only to remove any make-up, product build-up and sweat. But also to help cleanse your skin from the daily pollution…

Getting your complexion ready for the next steps to your routine. 

Remember to choose a cleanser which hydrates while cleans. So your skin can stay soft and refreshed for longer. 

Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells, revealing fresh, radiant skin underneath. 

To keep your skin vibrant, especially during summer, exfoliate once to twice a week. 

This will keep your pores clear and help your products absorb better. Meaning your skincare steps will work more effectively. 

To avoid irritation, especially when it comes to sensitive skin, make sure you use a gentle exfoliant. 

Chemical exfoliants are ideal for this, rather than physical ones, like coffee or sugar scrubs. As these can easily cause irritation. 

Targeted Care

Struggling with hyperpigmentation, a dull-looking complexion or acne scars? 

Well now is the time to tackle these specific skin concerns. 

For your next step, choose a serum which addresses your concerns. Adding an extra layer of care. 

During the summer, a vitamin C serum is ideal. To help brighten your complexion and protect against sun damage. 

All thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties. 

So why not give Dr. Sister’s Vitamin C Brightening Serum a try…

Alternatively, look for multi-peptide or hyaluronic acid serums. Helping to improve elasticity, skin texture and deep hydration. 

And if you’re worried about dark spots this summer, then Dark Spot Vanish is for you. Helping tackle existing spots and shield against the creation of new ones. 

Hydration Station 

Applying a light moisturiser comes next. 

Helping to lock in moisture without feeling heavy. Dr. Sister’s Younger You can be perfect for this step. 

Remember to apply your moisturiser using an upwards motion with your hands. 

Don’t forget to also use your products of choice on your neck and decolletage. 

Solar Shield 

The last and most important step… Sun protection! 

Your best defence against sun damage and even premature ageing in the summer. 

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every morning, on all uncovered skin. 

We recommend doing this 20 minutes before leaving the house. To allow plenty of time for your sun cream to absorb and start working. 

Remember to reapply often throughout the day. Especially if you’re spending time outdoors. 

Dr. Sister’s Solar Shield is ideal for this step. With an SPF 50, this anti-ageing sun cream protects you from UVA and UVB rays. 

While also hydrating delicate, ageing skin. 

Summer Ready 

Consistency is the secret to beautiful, age-less skin. 

So make sure you follow your summer routine daily, and be patient.

Best results come with time and dedication…

And simple steps can lead to stunning results. So you can enjoy the warm weather with confidence, knowing your skin is well cared for.

Finding the perfect skincare routine is crucial, especially after 50.

As time passes, your complexion can become weakened, leading to irritation and dryness. But a simple routine can be just what you need, to help you feel confident at any age!

So here’s how to create your perfect skincare ritual, step by step. 

Cleansing: A Fresh Start

Before you apply any products, always start by using a gentle cleanser…

To ensure your skin is free from any pollutants, which could cause blocked pores and irritation. 

Choose a gentle, hydrating cleanser to remove impurities without stripping your skin of its natural oils.

Cleansing will help prepare your skin for the next steps, ensuring your skincare products are absorbed effectively. 

Hydration: Lock in Moisture 

After you’ve cleansed, it’s now important to rehydrate your skin. 

A quality anti-ageing moisturiser will not only help to replenish and lock in moisture, but also target fine lines and wrinkles. 

For a “youthful-infusion”, giving your skin just what it’s craving. 

We recommend Dr. Sister’s Younger You for this step. 

Start by warming it up between fingers and then apply gently in upwards circular motions for the best results. 

Use this morning and night for best results. 

Anti-Ageing Superheroes

Now is the time to use products for specific skin concerns. Such as dark spots, acne scars, or hyperpigmentation.

For this step consider using Dr. Sister’s Dark Spot Vanish. 

Helping you get rid of dark spots and achieve an even, youthful complexion at any age. 

Apply this gently with your ring finger, to avoid tugging on any sensitive skin. Use on your face, chest, neck or any other parts of your body, as needed.

If you’d like to target  sagging, crepey skin you could choose Crepe Rewind. For a smoother, tighter look on all areas of your body, such as arms, chest or even your legs. 

Sun Protection: Shield Your Skin 

Protecting your skin from the sun’s UV rays is non-negotiable. 

So for your next step, we recommend using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least an SPF30. 

Use this daily in the morning, after you’ve applied your moisturiser. And don’t forget to do this even on cloudy days!

To safeguard your skin from further damage and premature ageing. 

And if you want to go the extra mile…

Don’t forget your neck, chest and other parts of your body, which might also get exposed to sunlight.

Ritual for Your Eyes Only

Last but not least come your eyes, one of the most sensitive areas of your body…

And one that can quickly give away your age, if plagued with crow’s feet, dull skin and under-eye circles. 

Which is why we recommend using a light, gentle eye cream, to relieve puffiness and reduce the appearance of dark circles and fine lines.

Don’t forget to also apply this gently, using your ring finger.

The best time for an eye cream is as part of your night-time routine. As during the night your skin cells regenerate and you naturally produce more collagen…

So, combining this natural process with a targeted eye cream, will help combate signs of ageing and revitalise the skin around your eyes.

A Boost From Within

When caring for your skin, you don’t have to stick to the surface. 

So the best way to fully boost your skincare results is to also nourish your skin from within

Dr. Sister’s Inner Beauty is the perfect choice. A unique beauty enhancing formula with all the powerful nutrients your body needs…For healthy, smoother skin with just one capsule! 

And what’s more…

Inner Beauty can also help you achieve stronger, healthier hair and nails. For a younger-looking, glowing appearance from top to bottom.

Bonus Tip

Did you know thinning, dull-looking lashes and eyebrows can also reveal your age? 

These might not be part of your usual skincare routine, but with a little extra care they can truly transform your look!

For this we suggest using a natural lash and eyebrow serum as your very last step. Helping you regain thick, strong, glowing lashes and healthy, shaped eyebrows.

So why not try out Dr. Sister’s Lash Saviour serum…to help you look as young as you feel! 

Consistency: Stick to Your Ritual

As always, consistency is key to radiant, youthful-looking skin. 

So, stick to your ritual and be patient. With consistent care you will start to notice some amazing results! 

And remember: simple is best. Skincare over 50 doesn’t have to be complicated. 

By following these easy steps, which cater to your skin’s changing needs…You too can achieve a youthful, radiant look.

So you can age gracefully and confidently.